Loose Change: Ideas On How To Donate To The 900k Wishes Campaign! Part Two of a 20-Part Series

You know that jar of coins you’ve been meaning to take to one of those CoinStar machines at the local Giant, how about donating it to LLS instead? We made an arrangement with United Bank to count all the change we collect for Mark’s LLS campaign at no charge…so literally, every penny you give will be a donation to the campaign!  If you weren’t already convinced, this will sweeten the pot even more… when you typically drop loose change in a donation box, you can’t get a letter for tax deductible purposes. But, if you bring in a jar with your name and address on it to our office and give it to either Sue or Nicci, we’ll make sure you get a letter acknowledging your tax deductible donation (just as long as it’s over $5). I don’t know about you, but my penny jar at home holds at least $60 in coins whenever I cash it in. For more information or if you'd like to pick up a donation jar, call 703-847-8900 or email nicci@cohenandburnett.com.
