That beautiful logo that you see as our header for this blog and on our website was designed by the 2010 Boy of the Year Andew Luckabaugh. Andrew was diagnosed with Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin's Disease Stage one week after his seventh birthday in 2006. What took nine long months to diagnose took only four short months to treat with a combination of six chemotherapy drugs and Andrew's favorite oncologist, Jay Greenberg, and his fantastic hem/onc nurse, Kristen McCauley! He spent the entire fall in and out of the hospital for chemo and illnesses. He lost his hair, lost his taste for sweets, and was greatly fatigued for a long time. Andrew still regularly has follow-up appointments to monitor the late effects of chemotherapy that have been appearing, worsened ADHD, depression, anxiety and now lung issues. But Andrew and his family are thankful that he is present with us and his three year off-treatment anniversary is officially December 15th! As it should, the drawing has special meaning to Andrew who explains that the children are just like him. The ones on the bottom row have been treated and are in remission like him. The ones on the top row are drawn upside down because they are still sick and need your help. Read more about Andrew at our website. Andrew, with everything that you've gone through, you are definitely one brave and talented young man.
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